Ololua Forest Trail

This nature trail is managed by National Museums of Kenya. This unique eco-system is one of the few existing and well preserved indigenous forests. Besides its research activities, the trail boasts of a tranquil atmosphere suitable for picnicking, family day out, walk in the forest, camping and even honeymoons.
Category: Tag:


Attraction Type:

Scenery & Landscapes, Wildlife
Category: Forest, Wildlife Conservancy
Region: South Rift
City / Town: Nairobi
Road / Street: Karen Road
Telephone: 254 716 256771

254 724 338292
Entrance Fee: Yes
This nature trail is managed by National Museums of Kenya. This unique eco-system is one of the few existing and well preserved indigenous forests. Besides its research activities, the trail boasts of a tranquil atmosphere suitable for picnicking, family day out, walk in the forest, camping and even honeymoons.


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