Koobi Fora

Koobi Fora in the local language, means a place of the commiphora a source of myrrh, which is a common plant in this hot and arid area. The rich sedimentary rocks have yielded more than 10,000 Vertebrate and Hominid fossils. Most interesting here is a Stone Age burial site.


Attraction Type:

Historic Sites
Category: Archaeological site
Region: North Rift
City / Town: Lodwar
Road / Street: Kapenguria -Lodwar Road
Telephone: 254 20 374 2131

254 721 308485
Email: koobifora@museums.or.ke
Website: http://www.museums.or.ke/content/blogcategory/9/41
Entrance Fee: Yes
Koobi Fora in the local language, means a place of the commiphora a source of myrrh, which is a common plant in this hot and arid area. The rich sedimentary rocks have yielded more than 10,000 Vertebrate and Hominid fossils. Most interesting here is a Stone Age burial site.


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