Central Island National Park

Also known as “Crocodile Island”, this volcanic island is located in the middle of Lake Turkana. It contains more than a dozen craters and cones, three of which are filled by small lakes. Several small islands to the southeast represent partially submerged crater rims.


Attraction Type:

Wildlife, Scenery & Landscapes
Category: National Park, Crater, Lake or River
Region: Northern
City / Town: Marsabit
Telephone: 254 733 514809

Email: centralisland@kws.go.ke
Website: http://www.kws.org/parks/parks_reserves/SCNP.html
Entrance Fee: Yes
Also known as “Crocodile Island”, this volcanic island is located in the middle of Lake Turkana. It contains more than a dozen craters and cones, three of which are filled by small lakes. Several small islands to the southeast represent partially submerged crater rims.


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