Rhino Charge

This unique off-road car rally is held annually in June to raise money for the construction of a perimeter fence around the Aberdare National Park. This park is a sanctuary for the endangered Black Rhino and an important water catchment area providing water to the Tana and Athi rivers.


Attraction Type:

Special Interest
Category: Special Event
Region: Mt. Kenya
City / Town: Isiolo
Telephone: 254 733 632460

254 20 213 6011
254 724 604233
Email: info@rhinocharge.co.ke
Website: http://www.rhinocharge.co.ke/
Entrance Fee: Yes
This unique off-road car rally is held annually in June to raise money for the construction of a perimeter fence around the Aberdare National Park. This park is a sanctuary for the endangered Black Rhino and an important water catchment area providing water to the Tana and Athi rivers.


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