Nyali Golf & Country Club

This club is the only eighteen-hole golf course on the north Coast. This particular course is said to be challenging as the winds influence playing conditions. The club also prides in its restaurants, notably the II Duetto which specializes in Italian cuisine.
Category: Tag:


Attraction Type:

Category: Golf
Region: Coast
City / Town: Mombasa
Road / Street: Links Road
Telephone: 254 726 414477

254 733 414477
254 20 265 3881
Email: info@nyaligolf.co.ke
Website: http://www.nyaligolf.co.ke
Entrance Fee: Yes
This club is the only eighteen-hole golf course on the north Coast. This particular course is said to be challenging as the winds influence playing conditions. The club also prides in its restaurants, notably the II Duetto which specializes in Italian cuisine.


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